Thursday, February 14, 2008

V day n stuff ♥ ♥ ♥


RELAX! I'm JUST kidding.......

so it is the big V day.
i really am not that in to it.
i don't really practice V day.
i think it is more commercial than anything.
although the story behind it is pretty cool.

but for the heck of it, i decided to post in red & pink.

you dig that donchu?


now i suppose IF i was dating someone and they were in to it - i could get in to it then - if i had to....but ONLY if i had to....but V day is def no biggy to me. i think people who care for people or have significant others, should practice V day all year round, not just one major day of the year, but that is just my personal 2 cents.

February to me, is more about Black History Month, and with my son shnookie doodles being mixed, i really would like for him to grow up KNOWING this part of his culture, in fact we have been playing this cool little "Famous African American Inventors" quiz at work and i thought i would implement it in my little bloggity blog here today.

(let's see HOW well you know your African American History)

1. This invention was created in response to a fussy customer, who is rumored to be one of the Vanderbilts.

2. The original name for the invention is named after the inventor's hometown.

3. The invention is sold all over the world in many different forms and flavors.

4. The inventor was a Native American/African American chef.

What is my name and what did I invent? now let me see what ya got....heheheheeee!

now back to V day....i mean V day is always FUN for the kiddos, i mean in school i always loved V day (even more so than Halloween) i totally was dig n' the whole V day card thing for class, giving V day cards to my entire class and getting them back, and sometimes the cute boy would actually write something really COOL on my card or give me the card that had a special saying so that i knew i was his numero uno chica, oh yea, those V days rocked.

and the candy hearts????
lets face it - can't eat just ONE.

i will absolutely enjoy helping my son do V day as he grows up, in fact we made V day cards for his daycare class & V day party (woooo hooooo!) that was kind of fun - he even got a few valentines back from a couple of little babes, Abby & Alexa, how ya like those apples? my son is a rock star already! ♥


(although V day does give good reason and excuses for eating chocolate for breakfast. i just had a Reece's Peanut Butter Chocolate Heart with my oatmeal. how'd ya like THAT?)


but in honor of V day for those of you who do practice it, i have posted a poem of mine that is somewhat fitting at the end of the blog. please do ENJOY!

and don't get me wrong here, i do have a valentine....

this was my valentine last year. ♥

and THIS is my valentine THIS year.
(teeth and all) ♥
quite the handsome dude isn't he? (i sure think so)♥

i figured i'd be a little more nostalgic today and post a bunch of recent photos of my little love, shnookie doodles, just to update you on how really FABULOUS he actually is....

and to those who DO go all out and celebrate V day - GO CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!
(get flowered up, fill up on chocolate & wine, get naked & dance like no one is watching!)

(tee hee hee)

shnookie doodles got a big green valentine froggy from mommy for V day! :-)

my pouty face

this past Sunday, eating gold fish crackers (shnookie doodles turned 17 months) at the park....

playing with toys this past weekend. doncha just dig the curly mo-hawk hes got go n' on!

bathtime last night.....we love our baths man!



kiss my lips\/trip\/I want to sip\/you\/slow\/relax with my flow\/just know\/it is\/you\/me\/free\/just alone\/in my\/zone\/tone of your voice\/choice\/envelops my mind\/unwind\/lost in your time\/making you mine\/just for the time\/being\/seeing\/you in my face\/trace\/your smile\/awhile\/in a trance\/at first glance\/beauty exuding\/intruding my thoughts\/locked in your presence\/essence\/your soul\/whole\/untouched\/flushed\/my crush\/can’t think\/blink\/my heart sinks hard\/linked\/stalling\/falling\/enthralling for you\/meditate\/in your proximity\/limits me\/just in this space\/place with you\/solo\/blind from the vast\/majority\/important to me\/you feel\/how I be\/don’t look past\/see what I mean\/crave you close\/want you the most\/your breath on my lips\/close in on\/my hips\/minutes linger\/prevail\/past an hour\/devour\/your energy\/free my restraint\/collapse in your desire\/inspire\/my quaint thirst\/for your lips\/that just kissed\/my life\/impressed my soul\/ten fold\/apprehended\/from\/the start\/my heart\/you behold\/with\/just a kiss\/sprung\/got me hung\/closed eyes\/open\/hope n’\/real\/seal the deal\/with\/your embrace\/chase\/exploding feelings\/reeling\/look past\/the haze\/daze\/I am in\/awe\/lost in your\/maze\/rescue me from\/delirium\/trapped in your\/cage\/hesitate\/is this my\/fait\/wait\/kiss me\/again\/consume my\/position\/gnaw at my\/inhibitions\/show me\/flow with\/me\/that this\/you\/we\/bona fide\/ride\/undeniable\/reliable\/no diss\/no risk\/this\/just\/is\/a certified\/kiss\/
AEP © Copyright 2008



Amy said...

wow can you come up with a post, girl!!

your little guy is just so handsome! i loved all of those pics!

hope you have a special valentines day with him. he is precious!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

That poem is amazing as is that little dude you are lucky enough to have as your own!

Really wish we lived closer. I would totally come and hang with you two on this V-Day. John and I sort of ignore the whole thing - I'm not into relationships that need 1 day a year to make it feel special.

You rock my world all year or NOT AT ALL!!

Hallie :)

Amber said...

What a cutie!!! He looks just like you. I love little boys, they're like miniature men. Thanks for sharing the photos. I love seeing baby/family pics.

Happy V day to you sassy and yes, of course you got the fabulous points. You are after all, sooo fabulous!

Amy said...

i don't have a clue. wish i did, but i stink at history!

Dianne said...

Oh Wow - he is just perfection and bliss and pure poetry.

You are so blessed but I can see from everything you post that you know that!

This entire post made my heart feel lighter - I was being a bit V-day crabby but I'm over it.

Hugs and kisses to you both!

Queen of the Mayhem said...

How CUTE is that little man! LOVE HIM!!!!!

I don't get into V day at all! I told Mr. Mayhem not to get me anything and I MEANT it!

We are going away together in a few weeks and that means a lot more to me! :)

krissy said...

The answer is Crum and he invented Potato Chips! Ha, you thought you could fool this history buff!!! Any history is fun!!!

I don't like V day either and I think you should show your love and affection everyday....not just one day a year!!! That's me though!!!!

krissy said...

ooops...forgot to say how cute your little guy is....the first two pictures cracked me up!!!!!


Happy belated V-Day..I just found your blog through a mutual blogger and wanted to delurk and say Hi! So..Hi! Hope you don't mind if I add you to my blog the way, your little guy is adorable!

Amy said...

Your little valentine is just PRECIOUS!!!

SHW said...

Great pics! Got nothin' on the inventor...sorry. Have a great weekend!

BlueBella said...

Thanks for stopping by and saying HI!
Your little man is quite the cutie!

I bet he's good for some snugs & kisses :)

Sarabeth said...

Whoa! Your kid is very cute. He's going to break some hearts.

Blog Hopping-HP

Anonymous said...

Wow, you pretty much covered it all... Your kid rocks too! (hey you want the HTML code for the blog hop badge so that it links? email me).

bobbie said...

Almost hate to post this because it seems so perfect that you've already had 14 comments on the 14th. Oh well.
I had to comment anyway because Ihad to tell you that that baby is the cutest ever. What a wonderful Valentine!

LunaNik said...

OMG...your little guy is SOOOOO CUTE!!!!! Seriously one of the most adorable baby boys I have ever seen!!

I'm not big on V-Day either. You're so right...too commercial!

♥♥♥ A- Licious ♥♥♥ said...

o wow.....

thank you ALL for the awesome comments...and compliments on my shnookie doodles!

i have been slack here (surprise right Hallie?)

soo i promise to make my way around to ya all....xxoxxox


OH! and YES Krissy the answer was Crum....thanks - you are the only one who played...LOL


April said...

Hmm, is that how we started calling them "crumbs"?
Blog Hoppin' (and thankful for a 3-day weekend),
Balancing Hops

Bogart said...

Love the pics...

Kell said...

I'm lovin' your poem - and if you like - I have some sunflowers posted on my blog to share with you here:

Nature Girl said...

You're little man is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I think the invention is the potato chip, but sadly, though I've heard the story a couple of times, I do not recall the man's name that invented them, but I'll say this about him, I like his style!

Anonymous said...

happy late vday nontheless.