Tuesday, February 5, 2008

blog issues

just sitting here today, working
my mind wandering (as usual)....

and i was thinking....{surprise right?}

is there a proper thing as "blog etiquette"?


like if someone comments on my blog, should I return the favor and comment back? i mean normally i do anyway, i was just wondering if that was proper or expected of bloggers in blog blog land? i mean i love to go read blogs, as many as i can squeeze in between work and mommyhood of course. i have quite a few regulars that i try to read on a daily basis (TRY being the key word, i get slack when my work load is crazy busy, which is a normal thing) or when people DO comment, should you comment back to them on YOUR blog or go to THEIR blog and comment back….i normally TRY to do both.

i sometimes even go back to some of my favorite blog-a-licious bloggers older blogs that i might have missed and comment on those, because i feel if i don't - i am missing out on something important or super funny!

but i have noticed.....

not everyone i comment on comments back or even comes to my page at all *insert sad face here* (although i noticed i happen to read some pretty popular bloggers, those that have 30 to 50 + comments) i am guessing they probably just don't have the time, i mean 30 to 50 + comments is A LOT of commenting and quite a big FAN network going on....


as Hallie likes to point out how slack i am about blogging....maybe i don't keep up enough with these pro-star bloggity blogging bloggers to be worthy of commenting back.....sigh. *insert poor me, let’s have a pitty party for a-licious face here* [heheheeee]

and there are AWARDS people.....YEP.....tons of them....i have seen them.....tons of blog-a-licious bloggers being AWARDED for their blogs by other bloggers....talk about pressure.....lol

[rock stars!!! of the rich & famous in blog blog land...................]

they probably don't have time to get back to little ole me, and the fact i don't blog daily like most people, maybe this throws them off or maybe, hey....i am just kinda boring cause i can't keep up with the daily bloggers.......hummmmm.

[me? boring!?!?! WHAT?.....nooooooooo way....]

maybe i just have issues.

i also get lost in blog blog land, i will be reading a certain blog and click on a name or link that is listed in their blog and read that blog that was listed....then THAT blog will have a link to someone else's blog, i will click that link and now i am in THAT blog.....and so on and so forth....and THEN....

i am lost forever....can't seem to find my way back....

where was i? what blog was i initially reading? whose blog? [ahhhhhh!]

back to my blog-a-licious blogger list and....

START OVER....[ugh]

another reason i have problem blogging regular, i am too busy trying to read other blogs AND WORK and take care of an almost 17 month old and work, and work, grocery shop, bathe him, bathe me, cook, play, shave, do laundry, work, work, more darn freaking work..........................blog?

i guess you could say i am very irregular.

i am an irregular blogger.

a little constipated.

do they have a blog award for that? i wonder.........

sometimes i START to blog.....but just can't get it to GO. [geeez i hate when that happens] talk about stopped up, yanno. i get a little...and then get nothin' [arrrrgh] or i get a little blog, but nothing worth posting. little blops here and there.....might as well flush it and start over, yanno. [hehhheheeee]

me (above) trying to blog daily.......

maybe i should try to pick a time of day and just......DO IT!

i am also a little ADD blogger, i can't sit still long or focus long on one thing (like blog jumping link to link on different blogs) or i start talking about one thing and end up talking about 5 things.....and end on an 8th thing and add a PS on a 10th thing......and then i am sure those people that DO read my blog are like......WHAT?!?!?!

"what is a-licious talking about? i am confused....i am lost. why do i come here? AHHHHHH!"

yep, i have blog issues…..

or i just think to much.

who knew?

[shoot, until this blog, i had no idea…..]
and can i just say i hate these things below?
what am i an idiot? because they NEVER work the first time for me....okay most of the time they don't work the first, second or third time......LOL


LunaNik said...

Interesting you bring up blog etiquette as this was an issue me and a few others 'argued' over not too long ago.

It seems like yes there is blog etiquette...at least among the bloggy rock stars you talked about so eloquently. As for the remainder of us blog-hogs...I don't think there are rules per se...just basic manners. You seem to have a handle on that quite nicely so I wouldn't worry your pretty head about it.

OH...p.s....the way you realated irregular blogging to constipation...HYSTERICAL!!!

Amy said...

I always wondered that too! I try to take the time and visit someone if they commented on my site. If they took the time to do it for me, then I am more than happy to return the favor. Of course sometimes it might be a day or two, like you life tends to get in the way! And you are not the only one getting lost in bloggy land, it can get a bit overwhelming sometimes, how the heck did I get HERE?
And I too am so frustrated with the word verification thingy. I always get it wrong, maybe I need glasses... or a little patience!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

I think I have you figured out...It's not AT ALL that you're lazy. You simply want to be begged on a regular basis to lavish all of us here in bloggerland with your attention.

I leave you a forceful hint and plead for you to blog and lo and behold, you blog!! I'm on to you missy!!

AS far as blogger etiquette - I think any blogger should do what they can with re: to commenting. Certainly, the more comments you leave, generally, the more you get back.

But you are onto something about you not blogging on a regular basis - on one hand that keeps us all coming back to check if you have left us a blogging nugget but on the other hand, you may (god forbid) turn someone off.

I for one am hooked and will pathetically keep begging for another hit of your verbal ramblings...

Btw, was I mentioned cuz you think I'm one of those FAMOUS bloggers or merely cuz I bug you the most?

Hallie :-)

OHmommy said...

I don't think there is a set of rules. Everyone has their own. My personal one is "You comment and I follow." So, anyone that ever comments, I take the time to always follow them to their blog and leave a comment. When I started out I HATED when bigger bloggers never commented back. I left like 35 comments and they left me 0. So I dont read them ANYMORE.

Amber said...

Oh my gosh, those things never work for me either! I was seriously thinking that I wanted to blog about them but I don't know how to do that fancy thing you did and show everyone.

There is some blog etiquette, I don't think it is official but it is out there somewhere.

I have a horrible time keeping up with posting, reading posts, and commenting. I try, I really really try to comment on everyone who leaves me a comment. Sometimes it can take me days to get caught up, not because I am so popular like those 50+ blogs but because I am always so busy.

Comments are the only way I find new blogs. I don't have time to surf so I don't discover people unless they discover me first. It is pretty frustrating because, like you, I feel like I am missing out!

I promise, I will always do my best to comment on here, but it might take a day or two.

krissy said...

I wish I new the answer to this as I am just plain blog stupid! Sorry darling!

I always try to comment back to my friends! I'm not exactly too popular though!

Mr. Shnookie Doodles is a little doll face though! Can't remember if I ever told you that or not so I'm saying it now! Adorable!

OHmommy said...

Oh my baby doll is such a goat! LOL. She loves paper. :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting post. I am a blogger,but not really a "commenter" (or would that be "commentator??") I always go _read_ the blogs of people that comment on mine and keep tabs, so to speak, on them, and some I have become quite close to in the wide world of the blogosphere. But though I read a ton of blogs, I very rarely leave comments.

In fact, this is probably my second comment of 2008! ha ha... But I do thank you for the comments you've left on MommyBlog and I enjoy reading your posts as well.

SHW said...

Interesting post.

I try to comment back to my commenters at my blog (been bad lately due to life). I visit all of their blogs but I don't always have time to comment. Also, I feel that good blogging etiquette is that comments should be well thought out and meaningful and I can't always think of something that makes sense.

My best comments...while bloghopper with rum and coke...works like an enima.

Unknown said...

I also think you are doing pretty good. Your post sounded familiar and it was nice to see it expressed.

Myself, I try to post messages only when I think I can actually add something to the conversation. Most of the time I feel like I can´t or that what I wanted to say was already expressed by other commentators.

By the way, thanks for your comments on my own blog. I know I have been very slow to comment on yours, or anyone else's for that matter, since I have been on vacation. And no, I am not a superstar blogger, far from it.

I also do leave comments on some of those superstar blogs and the only thing I expect, as a nice gesture, is if they respond within their own blog, sometimes. I guess I just don´t expect as much from them. On the other hand, if anyone does go to mine as a result from my comments and they become a regular reader then I am ecstatic.

However, I do visit your blog and I do read it. Now I have some catching up to do though.

♥♥♥ A- Licious ♥♥♥ said...


thank you ALL for coming by (i am so excited now...)

a few of you i read regular (okay well pretty much ALL of you) and some of you i had NO idea actually read me....[yay!]

i don't know who actually comes back to see if i responded - but if you did/do - thank you again!

i LOVE the feedback....makes blogging SO worth it!

and just an FYI - i was just being funny abut the super star bloggers (although most of you ARE them) LOL

i too read a lot of blogs but do not always have time to comment...sometimes i dont know what to say or i am having a less than witty moment or like Frank said - someone already said it.

i am actually very excited to see that i do have readers (whooopeee!)

i started this blog initially for my poetry - which i havent done much with it lately - and to keep updates on my little one for fam and friends (who always say they read but dont know "HOW" to comment...lol)

so i just want ya ALL to know this ROCKS! and so do ALL of you!!!


Anonymous said...

Do you need more blog fiber? Or maybe it's too many cases of blogus interruptus?

♥♥♥ A- Licious ♥♥♥ said...



good one man....lol


benefiber = blognefiber

ahhhh haaaa haaaa!