Wednesday, December 12, 2007

darn daycare

darn daycare

my babe is sick - again....geeeez. i seriously hope by the time he hits kindergarten that he is the healthiest kid in the class - considering he is always getting something from daycare! don't get me wrong, i think daycare is really awesome for his social skills etc....building his immune system - but good grief....sometimes i feel like he is sick more than he is well. no sooner has he just got over a slight ear infection and pneumonia in his left lung - i get a call from daycare to pick him up NOW because he is covered in a rash of red dots and high fever (arrrgh) poor little dude. so now he is out another week.....supposedly another baby in his class was sent home the week before with the same thing and because shnookie-doodles was just getting OVER pneumonia his immune system was down and he caught that too.

my parents have him this week because they live almost an hour a way and i just can't miss any more i have been without my little man since monday afternoon - my first time being away from him over night - much less a whole day. he will most likely come back tomorrow evening (grammy says he is looking much better) but man oh man i miss him like bananas! i found myself sitting in my living room the other night just looking at all his toys neatly put a way and listening to how quiet it was....i used to be solo before i had him so you would think this would be no big deal, but shooooot - i miss that little dude - i miss watching 'jack's big music show' over and over and over and over and watching him get all excited watching it and dancing, clapping, singing to it. playing all his noisy toys at one time and listening to him just babble a way at me.....just not the same with out him......sigh

so.....other than that - just trying to get ready for Christmas and "stuff" brother (uncle) pickle juice and sis in law (aunt) mel will be spending the holidays with us all...and i sooooooooo can not wait to see them! :o)

be blessed all!


Sheri Perl-Oshins said...

Hello A,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely and encouraging words! What a cutie pie your son is! Yes, they sure do pick up a lot of germs when they are young. Everything goes in their mouth and so do the germs!

How do you put a link in your posting... well when you open up to write a new posting, there are a few icons on the top. If you scroll over them one says something about a link. So if you write a word and you want that word to bring you to someone's blog or website, you would highlight that word and then click on the icon for links. A window will pop up where you can then either copy and paste the address in, or type it in yourself. I hope that helps...

Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your little Kai is sick again. Hope all that quiet at home isn't driving you crazy.

Take care sweetie

Rebecca Gomez said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's exciting to know when people are reading it, and liking it.

You have a gorgeous little boy there. Hope he's over the "crud" soon.

♥♥♥ A- Licious ♥♥♥ said...

thank you so much Rebecca - he is coming home tonight~~~YAY!

I enjoy your writing and will be visiting OFTEN! ;o)


Rachel Hamby said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Sorry about your cute baby! My kids were in daycare and now that they are in school they RARELY get sick. So maybe they do build up those immune systems as runny nosed toddlers!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you and Kai and the fam! Did PJ tell you I saw Kai's name in a magazine ad?


♥♥♥ A- Licious ♥♥♥ said...

no he didn't aunt mel! ;o)

i now have been seeing his name a lot - funny huh? :o)

can't wait to see you guys!
